Emerald EIC Ryan Nguyen
Dear Friends,
As many of you are aware, the Emerald Media Group is a non-profit organization fueled by people who care about the future of journalism. Without your support, we would not be able to sustain independent student-run journalism or give Emerald staff members the tools to succeed.
As another example of your generosity, you have helped us raise just over $2,000 in our Giving Tuesday campaign and put us within striking distance of meeting our $2500 goal.
We can’t tell you how much that means to us, but most of all to student journalists like Emerald Editor-in-Chief Ryan Nguyen. When asked about the importance of the Emerald, he replied as follows:
“The Emerald reports on the University of Oregon and aims to hold power to account. We train students in a way no other place on campus can.”
Thank you again for your continued support of the Emerald and participating in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving, caring and sharing.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation and help us reach our goal by following this link. Your help has never mattered more.
Bill Kunerth
EMG Publisher