Caitlin Scott
How do you hope to change the world?
I hope to change the world by being the best person I can be. I used to have very lofty, idealistic plans about all the amazing things I was going to do to make a difference. I still have those convictions, but I suppose I want to recognize that sometimes loving yourself and loving others can change a small part of the world as well.
What are you proud to have been involved with at University of Oregon?
I am proud to have been involved in so many different activities at the University of Oregon, including Sigma Kappa, the Oxford Consortium, the Inside-Out program, and more. The one commitment that stands out to me right now is my two years as a Resident Assistant. It certainly wasn’t easy, but I met some incredible coworkers and residents. I learned a lot about teamwork and developed a paralyzing fear of a very specific ringtone.
Who has been your biggest supporter over the past year and why?
My biggest supporter this past year has undoubtedly been my mom. Since the pandemic started I have been living at home with my parents. It was a difficult transition because I felt like I was stuck and missing so much. I’ve always been close with my mom, but this year gave us time that we haven’t had together in years, when we both especially needed it. She has seen me through study abroad cancellations, job rejections, breakups, and more; I am so grateful for her endless support and understanding.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
When I asked my mom which fictional character I am like the most, she said Jane Austen’s Emma. I think it might be because I watch too much British TV and keep trying to perfect my accent. But she elaborated that Emma is kind and clever, although sometimes stubborn. Additionally, Emma is mature in some ways, but naive in others. I too make mistakes, but never maliciously, and I like to think I’ve grown from them like Emma did.
What are your goals after college?
This summer, I am very excited to be interning with Congresswoman Bonamici’s offices in Oregon and D.C. Then, I hope to live in Spain for a year as a cultural ambassador and language teaching assistant. I plan to eventually attend graduate school as well as start my career in the public service sector. I specifically want to work for the government or a nonprofit in international aid.