Tristin Hoffman, the newly chosen Daily Emerald Editor-in-Chief for the 2024-25 school year, poses for a portrait on March 18, 2024. (Alex Hernandez/Emerald)
If you haven’t noticed already, the Daily Emerald looks quite a bit different than it did last year – or the last 12 years. We’ve entirely redesigned our print product over the summer, front-to-back, including new fonts and a new approach to what we publish and how we publish. This means we’re highlighting more stories with fewer word count; more designs and hyper-timely content.
We’ve also redesigned our website and our social media platforms, too.
In these first five editions of the 2024-2025 school year, you can expect articles ranging from how the Big 10 move impacts you and how students feel about it to updates on campus construction to a sit-down interview with the student government president and more.
In this edition, we center our focus around new students and what they should know about the University of Oregon on their first day of school.
There’s no one-size-fits- all expectation for a student. Some might be balancing school and one, maybe two, outside jobs. Another might be juggling family life while obtaining a degree. And another might be feeling homesick, being far away from home for the first time.
Through all of this, the Daily Emerald aims to provide you a reliable source of news around campus and Eugene that can keep you in the know on what affects you. We aim to give you relatable opinion columns that might make you feel more seen on campus. We strive to highlight communities that deserve attention, and, ultimately, we aim to have our finger on the pulse of this campus community.
So, as you weave through your first week back in school, lean on us. And if you want to apply to work for us, you can reach out to me at [email protected], or go to our website at dailyemerald.com/apply/.