Congresswoman Val Hoyle and Politician Lisa Fragala held a student leader open forum in the Erb Memorial Union Diamond Lake Room (Angelina Handris/Emerald)
United States Congresswoman Val Hoyle and Oregon House of Representatives candidate Lisa Fragala held a student leaders forum today at the Erb Memorial Union Diamond Lake Room from 3 to 4 p.m.
Various student leaders voiced their questions and concerns about community topics while Hoyle and Fragala were asked questions regarding reproductive health, environmental issues, education and the Israel-Hamas War.
“I felt it was important to hear from student leaders in their voices and their concerns,” Hoyle said.
Hoyle is a congressional representative for the Fourth Congressional District in Oregon; there are six total districts.
“We find the best way [to get college student votes] is college student to college student. So reminding people, especially people from out of state, that we’re a mail-in ballot state,” Hoyle said. “Reminding people to vote and that their voice is important.”
The presidential election and workers’ unions were other topics discussed. Both candidates emphasized their support for unions.
Fragala said that she had attended a previous UO Student Workers rally in support of campus union labor groups.
The Israel-Hamas War was also mentioned multiple times. Hoyle said that she would vote to stop U.S. aid to Israel.
“I connect with the district, and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to focus on delivering on the things that make people’s everyday lives better,” Hoyle said.
Hoyle is running against Republican candidate Monique DeSpain. Fragala is currently running unopposed.
Election Day is Nov. 5 and results should be released by 8 p.m. with updates at 10 p.m. and the following day.