The word essay comes from the French word essai which means trial or attempt. An essay is a form of written expression that is usually shorter in length. The goal is to express the author’s personal perspective based on research and knowledge.
There are a few steps to follow in writing an essay but the first one is picking the topic.
It has to be clear and precise. We often get topics from someone like, for example, a professor but sometimes we are going to have to choose a topic by ourselves and we have to make sure that it is something interesting to us so the inspiration wouldn’t be lacking.
We can always look for inspiration online and if you need guidance, you could read in this review by John Milovich on relevant cause-and-effect essays for your inspiration. A good topic will undoubtedly transform your writing process from something dreadful that should be avoided to something captivating and useful.
It is almost certain that during your studies you will write a couple essays on many different topics. They play a critical role in fostering critical thinking, but besides that, they inspire readers and writers alike.
Historical context
This kind of prose first appeared in antiquity, and Plutarch and Seneca were the most famous writers of subjective expression. Michel de Montaigne, who coined the term “essai” and is regarded as the father of modern skeptical thought, published his Essays in 1580 and is credited with creating the essay as a distinct literary genre. This name was later adopted by Francis Bacon, and the essay became a new genre after his Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral was published in 1597. This form was inspired by the past, but it was not required to replicate it.
During the 18th century, the essay gained a lot of interest in both English and French literature. It became a popular literary genre among many writers and philosophers in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Essays were used by authors such as Jonathan Swift, John Locke, and Alexander Pope to discuss the political and intellectual issues of their time. They contributed to the period’s intellectual ferment by looking at topics like government, individual rights, and the origins of knowledge. Additionally, the periodical essay developed in the 18th century and grew in popularity as a writing and commentary form.
Flexibility and Appeal
The flexibility of essays is one of their most alluring features. Some literary structures can follow strict guidelines, unlike essays which give writers freedom with topics, style, and tone. But writers are not only who benefit from essays, but the readers too. Because of their versatility, they are easy to read.
There are also some rules for writing essays to make them as appealing as possible but nothing too strict :
choose a topic that is interesting to you
before writing, take your time to think about what and how you should write
develop a thesis, that is your entire topic summarised in one sentence
structure introduction – main body – conclusion (this structure is not mandatory but it can be helpful in guiding you while writing and it has useful tricks like focusing on the introduction more so that it could draw readers’ attention and keep them interested)
focus on the details
Educational Value
Essays motivate students to go beyond what they have learned in class, which has a significant impact on the learning process. They improve one’s capacity for conducting research and making persuasive arguments. Essays additionally demonstrate the importance of education and improve understanding of a number of topics. Any student-written work related to education improves every aspect of their educational experience.
They are considered a crucial instrument for determining the kind of knowledge that students are expected to show. Writing essays fosters the development of skills such as :
the ability to communicate ideas
make well-reasoned decisions when applying them
analyze particular problems or issues
assess alternative strategies
draw connections between various issues
discern between assumptions and evidence
organize and present complex information
Whether you are writing an essay on a specific topic or writing a college essay, remember to welcome feedback openly and don’t put too much pressure on yourself in trying to make it perfect.
When we read famous essayists like Michelle de Montaigne or Francis Bacon we are looking at themselves as a form of literature, but it is quite useful for modern essay writers to see that they are part of a long intellectual tradition. Understanding how essays work as literature, will help in writing essays a lot better.
Essays offer an opportunity for investigation, discussion, and interaction in literary and academic contexts. They push us to interact with the world around us, think critically, and express ourselves authentically.