I’ve heard a lot about light therapy but wrote it off as a fad. I thought of it as a placebo, and an expensive one at that.
When I found out there was a place in Oregon that offers light therapy, I was hesitant. But after writing about Seasonal Affective Disorder and having Ashley Buonarroti, the owner of Nap Equity Meditation (NEM), reach out to me about her business’ approach to SAD, I was intrigued. Once I found out NEM was here in Eugene, I knew I had to try it out.
NEM uses a Somadome, a dome-shaped meditation pod in which you sit. Once inside, the dome is rather spacious. I was able to touch the top, but my arm was fully extended. After getting comfortable, you put on the headphones and select which track you would like. Out of the four options available, I chose the motivate one and more specifically, the create track.
The machine utilizes sound and lights to transport you to a relaxed state. Despite my skepticism, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only was I incredibly tranquil the entire session, but so far afterward, I feel more zen. I won’t say that I am a changed woman; I just feel more in tune with myself and what I need to get done.
NEM, which opened in June, is the only public Somadome in Oregon. When Buonarroti discovered there were no public Somadomes in Oregon, she decided, “I need to have this experience and living in the Pacific Northwest, everyone else does too.”
After having this experience, I think she’s right.
At NEM, the first session is free so you can test whether or not it is right for you. Sessions are around 20 minutes and pricing ends up at around $25 per session with discounts available for students.
This is all great in theory, but do Somadomes actually have scientific standing?
While the combined practice of all the different aspects included in Somadomes have not yet recognition as a medical device, most of the individual components are scientifically proven; sound therapy has been proven to ease stress and anxiety, color therapy has been used throughout history to help soothe people and chakras have come up countless times throughout history as an important part of the body and mind.
In a land as cold and gloomy as Eugene, if there’s something that could make us feel better about the weather. Something that definitely won’t make us feel worse and it’s free to try, why not give it a shot?
incontinentia plasterslug • Feb 5, 2025 at 12:28 pm
mine cost $40 from Amazon.
our $900 apartment in the Whit has very few lights in 500 sq feet.