Fourth quarter
4:03 — Oregon team safety
6:45 — Charles Nelson scores off a 27 yard run, pass from Marcus Mariota. Matt Wogan has the kick for an extra point.
14:08 — Storm Woods scores off a 3 yard run, pass from Sean Mannion. Garrett Owens has the kick for an extra point.
Third quarter
2:19 — Marcus Mariota scores off a 1 yard run. Matt Wogan has the kick for an extra point.
5:46 — Hunter Jarmon 20 yard pass from Sean Mannion. Garrett Owens has the kick for an extra point.
10:03 — Matt Wogan scores 22 yard field goal.
See what sports editor Hayden Kim and reporter Ryan Kostecka have to say about the first half of #UOvsOSU.
Second quarter
0:00 — 39 yard field goal by Garrett Owens
9:48 — Marcus Mariota scores off 23 yard run. Matt Wogan has the kick for an extra point.
12:22 — Byron Marshall scores off a 77 yard run, pass from Marcus Mariota. Matt Wogan has the kick for an extra point.
14:32 — Royce Freeman scores off a 12 yard run, pass from Marcus Mariota. Matt Wogan has the kick for an extra point.
First quarter
7:01 — Matt Wogan scores 30 yard field goal.
12:27 — Charles Nelson scores off a 29 yard run, pass from Marcus Mariota. Failed 2 point rush by Taylor Alie