Hot: Hirons
Name another store where you can pick up a cowboy hat, plunger, finger trap toy, candle, lace gloves and Pedialyte in one trip. They won’t even ask why you put them in that order. — Braydon Iverson
Hot: Springtime
Guys, it’s springtime! It’s literally hot out now! No more long-sleeved shirts for me! Yessiree! Finally, the only time of the year when Oregon doesn’t feel like Oregon and instead feels more like Maryland or Virginia. — Ian Proctor
Meh: The Oscars
I will admit, watching Will Smith slap Chris Rock was unexpected and provided good news. But it also took away from some of the amazing award winners including the first deaf man and open queer woman of color. — Caitlin Tapia
Meh: GrubHub on Campus
The access to dorm cuisine via GrubHub has been incredibly convenient this term, especially with the fluctuating COVID cases. However, the sheer number of hand cramps I’ve developed from those paper bags can not be excused. — Emma J Nelson
Not: Stealing Textbooks
I know getting the required texts for a new class can be difficult and expensive, but please don’t visit websites like Libgen or Sci-Hub which let you download textbooks for free. — Porter Wheeler
Not: Humidity
There’s a reason (or several) we don’t live in Florida, and I for one am tired of arriving at my classes looking like my hobby is sticking forks into outlets. Definitely the worst way to make an impression. — Sadie Tresnit