Viking Braggot Company offers a variety of food, including its Norfolk pizza and Pub Burger. Viking Braggot Company, restaurant and taproom, celebrates its one year anniversary in Eugene, Ore. on May 18, 2019. (Madi Mather/Emerald)
Opinion: There is nothing more comforting than the delicious flavor of cold pizza.
Imagine this: It is a sunny, Sunday morning. You just woke up from a late night, and all you have in the fridge is leftover pizza. You think of reheating it but then remember the microwave makes the crust dry and gross. So, cold pizza it is. As the flavors mellow and blend together, you come to a conclusion: This was the best decision you could have ever made. Each bite is heaven.
Although my introduction may come off as a weird fantasy, I promise it is not. I simply have a deep obsession with cold pizza. It is my junk food of choice, especially if it has spent the night in the fridge. There is definitely no better cure for a hangover. I would choose cold, leftover pizza over a warm, freshly baked slice any day.
Before you come at me, I’ve got some science to back me up. According to the BBC Science Focus Magazine, the temperature of pizza can significantly affect taste perception. On one side, at high temperatures, heat-sensitive channels in the tongue’s sweet and bitter taste receptors send strong signals to the brain. In contrast, the taste receptors send weaker signals to the brain at low temperatures, making flavors blend together. Is there anything better than a huge pizza-flavored bite? The correct answer is NO.
Lower temperatures also keep the pizza’s structure from becoming soggy. Given that water and oil don’t mix together, melted cheese settles above the tomato sauce at cooler temperatures. So, with cold pizza, one doesn’t have to worry about the wet soggy slices from the box. And if you do like the wet sogginess of pizza, I genuinely believe there is something wrong with you. Please get help.
If we set aside the science of cold pizza, there is also an emotional aspect. Cold pizza takes me back to Sunday evenings in middle school when my brother and I would fight over who got to take the last slice to school the next day. As an intensely competitive person, I felt invincible when I beat my older brother (but, honestly, that is probably just from growing up as the younger child). There was no greater reward than knowing I had one more slice of pizza than my sibling.
Either way, cold pizza tastes so damn good.