By Armando Ramirez
Eugene Gear Trader ski boots
As we transition into the winter season, you may want to start thinking about your next outdoor adventure. Whether it’s hitting the slopes at your favorite snowy spot, or taking a winter hike in the woods;Eugene Gear Traders has something for everyone’s outdoor needs. Being in college can sometimes take away from other expenses in your life. Eugene Gear Traders gives students an opportunity to stock up on any outdoor gear at a reduced price.
Eugene Gear Traders is a locally owned family business on 505 Willamette st Suite 11. Their store hours are tuesday-friday from 11:00am-6:00pm, and saturday-sunday from 11:00am-5:00pm. They are known for their lightly used outdoor gear, and their love for the environment. Their products are almost exclusively name brand, and in great condition. This is a great place to go if you are looking for affordable outdoor clothing and gear. “Our mission is to give your gently used outdoor gear a second chance and provide an environmentally friendly alternative to outdoor gear retail”(Eugene Gear Traders).
The store is located in a beautiful brick building with an orange door. There is parking, but it may be limited depending on the day that you decide to visit. From experience, typically the weekends tend to be busier. As you walk in, you see racks of colorful clothing and outerwear. A wall towards the back of the store holds many sets of ski and snowboard boots. There are a few outdoor backpacks that are hidden on end
caps and displays. If you see anything that catches your eye, dressing rooms are available for you to try on.
If you are interested in getting rid of any outdoor gear, they’ll gladly buy and trade. Selling your gear is quick and easy when you go to Eugene Gear Traders. “We offer numerous opportunities for you to get the most out of your outdoor equipment.
We examine your unwanted, CLEAN and ready-to-use gear”(Eugene Gear Traders). Make sure to wash the gear you want to sell beforehand, so it looks clean and new. Prices may vary depending on the quality and type of gear. Everything is marked down by half of the original price due to wear and tear from the previous owner. If you would like more information on their pricing system before planning a visit to the store, check out their website at eugenegeartraders.com.
The store inventory fluctuates based on the current season. They accept winter and summer gear all year round! Currently they have a wide variety of snow clothes, thermal layers and jackets. Along with goggles, hats, gloves, and winter boots. They sell and trade gear for men, women, and children, in a wide range of sizes.
Eugene Gear Traders is a very environmentally friendly company. By selling lightly used gear they are giving it new life and purpose. They have also present a more affordable option to those who are in need of outdoor clothing, and are also trying to save some money. So when you start planning your next outdoor adventure, make a pit stop at Eugene Gear Traders. They should have almost everything you need for any