(Courtesy of Fraternity & Sorority Life)
Unchartered fraternities might not be allowed to charter if Fraternity and Sorority Life growth is suspended, but without a clear answer on whether or not they’ll be allowed, they’re forging on anyway.
The possibility of suspending the growth of FSL has been drawing nearer. When a resolution passed to immediately suspend FSL if a spring campus climate survey did not show a decline in sexual assault victims within the community, members worried what would happen if the suspension were to happen – especially those who are part of organizations that are not yet chartered.
Justin Shukas, director of FSL has assured the president of one unchartered fraternity that they will be allowed to charter if a suspension occurs. However, according to ASUO Senator Andrew Lubash, that decision will be a case-by-case basis for each chapter made by the university.
Currently there are three fraternities on campus that are not chartered: Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Upsilon and Theta Chi. This means that they are not fully recognized by the university or the Interfraternity Council. This leaves a grey area as far as suspension goes – will these chapters be allowed to charter if a suspension happens, or will they be forced to forgo chartering another year? Members of Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Upsilon say they’re not in support of a suspension and not sure what would happen if one occurs.
“(Suspension) would leave us in a weird limbo area where we could potentially have the support of the IFC, but I don’t know if we would necessarily have the support from the university,” Alpha Tau Omega President Gustavo Feria said.
Feria said that ATO is hopeful and excited to make a difference in their community when it comes to sexual assault no matter if they charter or not.
“As far as ATO stands I feel like we all as an organization feel that the most important thing is preventing sexual assault,” Feria said.
On the other hand, Delta Upsilon is in the works of chartering this coming spring term. Because they are so close to chartering, they do not fear the personal side effects of a suspension.
Junior DU member Brandon Brezic says that his biggest concern is if you don’t allow new chapters on campus, the current chapters will become overwhelmingly large and won’t be able to regulate members as well.
Brezic says that when chapters become too big it’s hard to have a close relationship with every member, and members can easily fall through the cracks. This can directly correlate to more members in FSL being victims of sexual assault. Brezic says that the solution is the exact opposite as to what the Senate is proposing – expand the number of chapters, which will decrease the number of members in every house.
Lubash, who created the resolution to suspend the growth of FSL, says in response to Brezic that his opinion has not been backed by facts, and is irresponsible.
“If chapters cannot control their members, maybe they shouldn’t have so many members,” Lubash said.
The gray area for unchartered fraternities has not been resolved, and will not be until the university decides to make a decision on the resolution passed by senate. Until then chapters will continue to gain members in hopes to charter sooner than later.