They represent the University of Oregon student body. They meet weekly to develop projects and campaigns that serve students’ best interest. They decide on how and when to spend a $16 million Incidental Fee budget throughout a school year. They are the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. The …
Fellow Ducks:
Change at the University of Oregon begins with student programs. Without these organizations, U of O’s rich culture would be nonexistent. It is now more imperative than ever that these groups receive the visibility and financial security they require to function, and Helena Schlegel and the UO Forward team, are committed to the advocacy for these organizations.
Throughout her history with ASUO, Schlegel has been focused on enriching multicultural experiences on campus through the allocation of funding diverse organizations that represent various identities on campus. The UO Forward platform is constructed on ensuring that student programs receive significant funding for self-expression, activism and engagement in the multitude of identities that make up the UO student body.
The UO Forward team comes from a variety of organizations on campus, including S.W.A.T., the Women’s Center, Minority Association of Pre Med Students, SafeRide and The Siren magazine. UO Forward’s dedication to diverse student programming is unparalleled; no other campaign so proficiently represents so many different sects of campus while unceasingly fighting for their presence at the University.
As student leaders of this campus we endorse the UO Forward campaign just as The Daily Emerald and the GTFF Executive Council has before us, not just because they are the right choice but because they are the only campaign actively working on the issues that we care about.
Sophie Albanis, Siren Magazine, Editor in Chief
Gerald Jakabosky – Assistant Director of APASU and Mentor Resident Assistant
Roslyn Braun, Climate Justice League, Co-Director
Molly Zaninovich, UO Students for Choice, Co-Chair
Sima Anekonda, UO Students for Choice, Co-Chair
Kalie Solomon, LGBTESSP, Program Assistant
Martin Santoyo, MEChA, Budget Director, ASUO Programs Finance Committee Member At-Large
Jan Raether, CHIP Director and FIG Assistant
Andrew Lubash, ASUO Senator and Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee Chair
Megan Rice – Christian Campus Fellowship Community Group Leader and FIG Assistant
Megan Gleason, Climate Justice League Finance Coordinator and ASUO Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee Member
Jenna Boss, FIG Assistant
Kaylin Ivy, Club Sports, Water Polo
Ayasha Benninghoven, Student Alumni Association Director, Mentor Resident Assistant, SWAT Intern