Seventeen-year-old transgender girl Leelah Alcorn stepped in front of a tractor trailer, committing suicide on Dec. 28, 2014. When her posthumous Tumblr note published hours later, it went viral and gained national media attention.
Suicides like Alcorn’s aren’t surprising to members of University of Oregon’s LGBTQ community, but they are sobering.
“When you look at the statistics, over 40 percent of trans people will attempt suicide in their life,” Elle Mallon said, a student and gender and sexuality diversity advocate on campus.
Mallon said that what makes Alcorn’s suicide different was her call to action at the end of her suicide note.
“I’m glad it got a lot of news attention, but I’m also sad that it had to get this far,” Amber Potratz said, a LGBTQA intern and Theta Pi Sigma pledge.
In response to Alcorn’s wish for action, the rally will have a call to action following the open microphone concerning what can be done on campus to improve and support transgender lives.
The LGBTQ Alliance and Theta Pi Sigma at UO are holding a rally on Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 5 p.m. in the EMU Amphitheatre in Alcorn’s honor.
“We decided to hold a rally to give people who feel really upset with the whole Leelah Alcorn thing some productive directions to go with their energy,” Mallon said.
The rally will begin with an introduction by Mallon, and then the microphone will open for anyone who would like to speak out.
“There’s going to be a mixed demographic,” Potratz said. “From people who are just now realizing that this is a major problem to people who are heavily involved in queer organizations on campus.”
She added that she hopes the rally affects people’s views on transgender rights and sparks conversation on campus.
Over one hundred people are estimated to be attending the event.
“This is a big step forward in getting people to see trans people as people,” LGBTQA Community liaison Adrion Trujillo said. “We’re coming together in strength and solidarity for trans women.”
Although he is not a transgender woman, he said his queer experience was very similar to Leelah Alcorn’s.
“I know what it’s like to grow up with parents who say they love you but they don’t accept you for whatever reason. For me, at least, this is just one more example of what we need to change and what we need to fix in order to make this a more inclusive community,” he said.
This will include discussion relating to different projects that the LGBTQA is hosting in the hopes of improving transgender lives on campus.
“Our campus fails trans people and fails to be a safe space for trans people,” Mallon said, hoping that the rally will influence improvements.
One of these is The Bathroom Project, an attempt to get administration to create more gender-neutral bathrooms.
Representatives will also be tabling for different queer organizations by the Duck Store on Thursday to raise more awareness.
“Yes, Leelah is dead, but this is not the end of the discussion,” Potratz said. “The doors have been opened, and now it’s time for people to stand up for trans rights and trans lives.”