Star Wars: The Force Awakens was one of the most anticipated movies of all time and legions of devoted Star Wars fans have gone to see it, all desperately hoping that it would be good. To the joy and relief of many the movie has been a major hit and has been well received by most.
Now that the dust has started to settle I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what the fans are saying. I’ve scoured the internet from Reddit and Metacritic to YouTube and Soundcloud to find the most common praises and criticisms that fans have collectively come up with.
The Good:
The new characters are interesting and relatable.
Most of the new characters in The Force Awakens are very likable and have personalities that are either entirely unique to the series or just familiar enough to tug at old heartstrings. Each character has, at least, one deliberate character flaw. This has many fans speculating about how these follies will affect the way they develop throughout the trilogy.
It has good humor.
Witty dialogue and well-timed references are this film’s bread and butter, harking back to the quirk of the originals. The film breaks up the tension with clever quips and subtle jokes. Many are saying that this style of appropriate comic relief is what the over dramatic prequel trilogy was truly missing.
The veteran cast members steal the show.
After nearly 40 years Harrison Ford can still dazzle his fans by playing the puckish rogue that is Han Solo. Long-time fans can hardly contain the genuine admiration and nostalgic sentiments they have for the returning cast members from the original trilogy. Seeing these legendary actors back in their old roles after so long has brought grins to the faces and tears to the eyes of many fans.
People want more Star Wars.
To say Star Wars is a monstrously popular series is an understatement. Fans have been clamoring for more since the first’s release and the latest installment is no exception. One thing that nearly all fans can agree on is that none of us will ever get enough of a galaxy far far away. The hype is only growing as we wait for the next installment,
The Bad:
They played it too safe.
The Force Awakens takes few risks when it comes to being a Star Wars movie. The plot feels too predictable and other than it’s modern feel it does very little to stand out from the rest of the films in the franchise. If anything, it’s a revival of the original tenets of an exceptional Star Wars installment rather than stretching its parameters.
The old Expanded Universe is gone.
Awhile back Disney announced that all previous Star Wars media outside of the original six feature films would no longer be considered part of the canonical story. This means that the events that take place in any Star Wars comic book, television show, novel or video game essentially did not happen. The entirety of the Expanded Universe was re-branded as Star Wars Legends and the new Expanded Universe will consist of media that respects the events of the new trilogy.
Many fans who are invested in the Expanded Universe are upset. Reactions range from simple disappointment to hostile refusal to acknowledge the new movies. It doesn’t help that much of the new Expanded Universe media has been poorly received and harshly criticized.
There were some jarring plot holes.
Some major plot points in the story seem far too convenient or just poorly explained. A movie only has so much time to tell a story, but a series like Star Wars is known for its obsessive attention to detail. In true Star Wars fashion, I believe we’ll be seeing a lot of plot-hole filling media coming out in the months to come.
Most Star Wars fans love the new movie. It has its foibles and not everyone was completely satisfied, but it’s proven to be a terrific modern installment of a cherished franchise. Fans can’t wait for the next chapter.
You can check out The Emerald’s review of the film here.
Star Wars: What are the fans saying?
Mathew Brock
December 19, 2015
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