The ASUO Over-Realized Committee @@ idea hearings Tuesday night to decide how to allocate the Over-Realized Fund, a pool of money created by an influx of students.
Because of an increased number of students at the University, more people paid the Incidental Fee than was estimated, which resulted in leftover money for the ASUO to allocate. The Over-Realized Fund typically occurs each year, as the ASUO intentionally underestimates the number of University students for the following year in order to avoid a budget shortfall.
The committee is charged with hearing proposals from different groups around campus and deciding the best way to use the extra money.
Monday night the group heard proposals from ASUO Executive, Campus Bike Share, Student Health Access Plan and 150 Columbia Hall Renovation.@@
The first group to come before the committee was Edible Campus@@ They requested money to expand the Urban Farm@@ to three more lots. The Urban Farm is a course that students can take to learn about sustainable farming. The lots would contain edible plants.
“There is a paradigm shift among students,” said Urban Farm team leader Harper Keeler. @@ “Students are more mindful of sustainable foods.”
The group explained that, if given the money, the class will become more accessible. According to Keeler, only seniors can get in at the moment.
“This is also a part of a long-term vision,” environmental studies major Sierra Druley said@@ “We will work on educating the community in sustainable and local foods.”
Representatives from Edible Campus said some of the food grown in the new lots will be sold to the dining halls on campus.
“You must have heard I’m in this committee because you cater to freshmen,” ASUO Freshman Rep. Andrew Lubash said.@@ @@this quote seems awkwardly vague and misplaced. Thoughts,Matt?@@
The next group proposed expanding the University Street Faire@@ Their two main goals were to grow attendance for the Street Faire and to increase the amount of time people spend at it.
They thought of six ways to do this: reorganize the booths, add tables and chairs, bring in sponsors, add a family section, have music and have a poster contest.
“I am really glad you came in with this because the Street Faire is the biggest student-planned event,” ASUO Chief of Staff Kerry Snodgrass said@@ “It is completely student-funded but brings in a large amount of revenue.”
ASUO Sen. Lamar Wise@@ liked the idea but had concerns about fire codes and safety if attendance were increased. The group assured him they would make sure safety was a priority.
“I just want to make sure there is a lot of collaboration with the ASUO since they are the ones planning the event,” ASUO Sen. Molly Bacon said.@@
The third proposal was brought forth by University graduate student Kathryn Sears@@ Her idea was a temporary art exhibit that would present previous and current work explaining the history of sustainability in Oregon.@@sustainability at the University? HOW ORIGINAL@@
“The biggest goal of this idea is to promote collaboration between faculty and students,” Sears said.
The final proposal was presented by buildOn@@ The group was requesting money for many projects, most notably gardenOn. This program will send student volunteers to various middle schools and high schools to build gardens.
The committee will listen to a proposal from the 2012 Willamette Valley Music Festival on Wednesday, one from the Women’s Center regarding sexual violence education on Friday and one from the Multicultural Center on Friday.@@
By Monday, the committee will bring their complete recommendation before a Senate meeting on Mar. 14, where it will be decided on.