I thoroughly enjoyed Pat Terwilliger’s article titled “Shasta-cising: Waste of time or crucial spring tradition?” Since this article is ridiculous, I shall write an equally ridiculous response.
As a member of the fraternity and sorority community, I am elated to see that articles like this are representing our community, and I couldn’t be more proud to wear my letters on campus. In fact, I wish to read more articles like this one, so that I can further reinforce our stereotypes and tell others how entitled and pretentious I am. After all, I do pay for my friends and parties, bro. I might as well read about them while I eat my eggs in the morning.
Like all fraternity men and sorority women, I enjoy spending countless hours at the gym because being Greek means that I have to simply look good, not develop my intellectual and moral compass. I really don’t care that everything I say or do represents something larger than me.
I especially don’t care for all of our community’s champions, those who have represented us well and are doing the “practical and everyday service” that is changing our system’s perception. At the end of the day, who cares, bro? It isn’t like our founders would. They just wanted us to have fun and get wasted anyway.
Lloyd Hall@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Lloyd+Hall@@
University student
Letter: Shasta-cising stereotype is ridiculous
Letters to the Editor
March 5, 2012
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