Thumbs Up
Ducks set to play in the National Invitation Tournament
For all that this season has been, an NCAA berth was the ultimate goal. But don’t discount the opportunity for the Ducks to play their way into Madison Square Garden,@@ and especially its relevance to the team’s last four years. And beyond the fact that the team basically backed its way into this tournament, we get to look forward to a couple interesting match-ups: Tuesday’s revenge game against the LSU Tigers and a possible quarterfinal game against the Hated Huskies to try to make it to the NIT final four.
Debate’s going to nationals
Ranked ninth in parliamentary debate is nothing to sneeze at, and lead Oregon debaters Katie Bergus and Megan Gaffney are hoping to finish much higher. In a climate of concern for the role of athletics in an academic environment, we hope the team can bring back excellence in an academic venture to the University for the second-straight year. It’s encouraging to see fellow Ducks succeeding in this area and we commend them for what they’ve already accomplished.@@,
Side Thumbs
ASUO Senate is done with budget season
No one is completely happy with every part of this budget, which means it’s probably a good budget, right? At the very least, it’s over!
Thumbs Down
DPS’ questionable seizure of a student’s phone
While there are many sides to the intramural fight story left hidden, we know that the Department of Public Safety took a student’s phone and has (as far as we know) yet to return it. This is exactly the kind of abused power that we oppose from the department, whether or not it’s technically against the law. It’s one of those things that should probably be discussed at one of those forums DPS said they were going to have while lobbying campus last year, that somehow haven’t happened yet.
The week in thumbs: Waiting For The NIT edition
Franklin Bains
March 11, 2012
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