Dear Ducks,
My name is Nick McCain. This week you have the opportunity to support me and the “We are Oregon” team in the 2012 ASUO Elections. My team and I are committed to serving the entire student body by focusing on the on-campus student experience. Your student fees should be going toward events and resources at our University to support your academic and career development.
Frankly I’ve never understood why there are rarely any campus-wide events occurring in the EMU after 5 p.m. I’ve never understood why the ASUO leads political agendas that the majority of campus doesn’t care about.
When is the last time your student government actually did something that you care about? We can all appreciate the effort to protect our environment as well as the importance of registering to vote. However, as a student on a college campus that has the ability to enhance the student experience, I would expect to see more entertainment such as concerts, more student tickets available to things such as football games as well as overall professional development for students to take advantage of.
Tuition is expensive. This is something I fully understand. This year alone I have had three jobs as RHA President, Student Ambassador, and SAA Alumni Connections Chair. Although I work hard to be able to afford my life as a student, being so involved on campus has made me very aware of where there are discrepancies when it comes to how student fees are spent.
Working so closely with students such as freshman all through to alumni, I understand the importance of a positive college experience. I understand the importance of feeling connected to the institution as this is the opportune moment to have the time of our lives.
I have helped negotiate and put into action the residence hall component of the “Take Back the Tap” campaign. Assuming students vote yes on this campaign, I am proud to have had an active role in making campus bottled-water free. As RHA President I have allocated a large amount of time restructuring to the point of appointing the first sustainability coordinator that works with campus gardens and was crucial in the ASUO Over-realized Committee proposal that was granted $42,260.
I have also recognized the need for a diversity coordinator within RHA. This position has been redeveloped and has spent time collaborating with Panhellenic Council. @@
Overall I believe in the University of Oregon. I believe in student autonomy and the ability to enhance the overall student experience. We have one of the most powerful student governments in the country, and it is important to realize how much can be accomplished when the right people are in office. Laura and I share a vision with our team about what our Oregon looks like, and together we can only improve the college experience.
Vote for Laura, Nick and the entire We Are Oregon team.
Nick McCain
ASUO vice presidential candidate