ASUO Senate decided Wednesday night to put an EMU referendum measure on the ballot during the spring term elections.
After a few small changes to wording in the ballot measure, the real discussion began. One change added the statement of a $100 fee per term for students if the measure is passed. Since Wednesday was the last day to add something to the ballot, ASUO Sen. Kaitlyn Lange was anxious to get it included.
“I feel like students should have the opportunity to voice their opinion again,” Lange said. “If people still aren’t happy with fees, they can voice that in the spring.”
ASUO Vice President Katie Taylor stated her interest in having a special election. She believes they could arrive at a lower fee for students if given more time.
“If it goes on the ballot with a $100 fee, that is what we are going to charge students,” Taylor said. “If we can reduce the fee, it will pass. I don’t think that if we put it in the spring elections it is going to pass.”
Lange said that if the ASUO Executive can negotiate a lower number, they will change the measure to express that, but keep it on the ballot in spring.
ASUO Sen. Ben Bowman spoke to the benefit of a higher voter turn out during the spring elections.
“The election is not about the EMU,” Taylor said.
Bowman didn’t agree that the measure would fail, and saw the importance of putting the ballot in spring.
“Our goal should be turnout,” he said. “If it gets voted down because of fees, we will meet as a student body to change things. If I am hearing on all sides that we want a new EMU, we will make that happen.”
ASUO Sen. Nina Nolen and ASUO Sen. Linda Mabuya spoke for all the programs who were worried about losing space in the new EMU.
“If students hear they will have the same or more space, they will be more willing to vote on this,” Mabuya said. “It is our legacy and it is our right to pay it forward.”
ASUO Universtiy Affairs Coordinator Manny Garcia was concerned that putting the $100 fee on now would halt negotiations for a lower fee.
“If Student Affairs already knows there is a $100 fee, that is what they will make us pay,” Garcia said.
At the end of the discussion, it was passed with a vote of 15-2-0.
EMU ballot measure put on spring election ballot
Emily Schiola
March 6, 2012
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