Birds are chirping and flowers are blooming. Love is in the air. Spring is the arguably one of the most romantic seasons because basically everything about spring feels fresh and new.@@like a virgin touched for the very first time@@
According to Chelsea White@@ and her boyfriend Jordan Shaw@@, “There’s no better time to fall in love than in the spring.” White also added that springtime is a fun time to date because there is a greater chance for couples to go on spontaneous outdoor adventures together.
They’re right. It isn’t super difficult to find fun things to do in the Willamette Valley once the sun comes out.
If you and your partner are of age, King Estate Winery@@ is located in southwest Eugene. It’s situated on 1,033 acres and has 470 acres of organic vineyards with another 30 acres of flowers, fruits and vegetables. Go on a mellow afternoon and enjoy the sophisticated atmosphere and private dining. King Estate also keeps a running calendar of events on its website ( as larger spring events approach such as the Earth Day celebration or the “Unwine’d” tasting, both at the end of April.@@
If you haven’t been to Hendricks Park@@, go. Hendricks is the oldest city park in Eugene. Because of its high location on the ridgeline east of the University, you can see the city from below. Spring is the best time to go because the flowers are beginning to bloom, and there is nothing quite like a romantic picnic in a world-renowned, enormous rhododendron garden. Pack along a blanket, some sandwiches, drinks and a portable music player.
If that isn’t your thing, there are trails laced throughout this 78-acre park that are perfect for hiking, bird watching or taking photos. Hendricks offers a perfect taste of Oregon forestry in our own city.
Though it might seem like a no-brainer to attend University sports events, and though it doesn’t take much creativity to count these as dates, attending such events can be really fun outings with your partner, if you make them that way.
Just remember to actually read the emails from and nab a ticket if necessary. Pay nothing (which is a huge bonus) and get all Ducked-out in sports gear.
This spring, keep an eye out for home track meets, but also don’t be afraid to try something else like a golf or tennis match. The baseball and softball teams have games through June and the football spring game is April 28.@@
If you’re looking for a unique spin-off of a typical date, try a bike ride to the movies.
University student Kirk McMahan@@ and his girlfriend Caitlin Carter@@ recognize that going for a bike ride in the pouring rain isn’t usually as romantic as going for a bike ride in the sunshine (though I suppose it depends how you look at it).@@rain could get sexy@@
“It’s fun to be outside, and you’re really able to get to know somebody because you’re not just inside watching a movie,” McMahan said about biking.
Springtime is ideal for this date idea. Take some healthy snacks (don’t forget your bike lock), and go see a matinee at the Valley River Center. If you live closer to the Gateway Mall go to Movies 12, the low-priced theater.
Winter is over even if it doesn’t always feel like it — when hail covers the streets in an absurd afternoon storm, for instance. It is officially spring so take advantage of the new days of sunshine, get off the couch and go play outside instead. Go be romantic and outdoorsy with all those chirping birds and blooming flowers this season.
Take full advantage of the spring weather with these date ideas
Rebecca Sedlak
April 10, 2012
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