ASUO Senate President Lamar Wise. (Nate Barrett/Oregon Daily Emerald)
In response to a grievance filed by ASUO Sen. Lindy Mabuya @@ ASUO Senate President Lamar Wise for nonfufillment of his presidential duties, the Constitutional Court ruled to remove Wise as Senate president Monday. The original grievance was filed last month claiming that Wise had not scheduled either of the required cultural competency training sessions that the president is required to do.
The first of these training sessions was supposed to have occurred by Nov. 1 and the second by March 1.
“By stating ‘must take place,’ the constitutional framers specify that the duty to organize includes having the training occur by the March 1st deadline,” the grievance stated. Wise told the court that he missed the first date because he could not “find a date that would be well-attended by Senate members.”
For the more recent session, Wise cited a “virus” with his Senate email account as one of the things preventing him from scheduling it. The court did not believe Wise had enough to explain his lack of fulfillment.
“The delays in training may have been avoided in a number of ways,” the decision stated. “To consciously not meet his deadline was a choice the Respondent made to shirk his duties.”
Wise has been ordered to vacate his role as Senate president. He did not have any comments specific to the court’s ruling.
“If anything, I’m focused on getting Ben and I @@meh@@back on the ballot,” Wise said.