With the transition from one ASUO administration to another rapidly approaching, new executive members and senators must bone up on their knowledge of the Green Tape Notebook, or book of rules for student government.
The GTN was created after the Clark Document was written in the late ’60s to early ’70s. It contains all the rules the ASUO follows on a daily basis, including the ASUO Constitution and Rules of Student Senate.
According to Chief Justice of the Constitution Court, Nick Schultz, it is hard to tell who wrote it and what it looked like originally because it has been amended so many times. @@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/concourt.php@@
“It has been written and rewritten,” he said. “Sometimes you don’t know if you’re reading what was in the original statement, or something that has been changed.”
This can make it difficult when learning the GTN, because there are so many small syntax things that can be overlooked. Schultz explained that there are a lot of things that are complicated and can be missed.
For ASUO Sen. Ben Rudin, it is important that incoming senators understand the term viewpoint neutrality, and make sure they exercise it. Viewpoint neutrality is basing funding on the service provided, not the viewpoint espoused. @@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30@@
The GTN states that senators “must remain viewpoint neutral on any subject matter relating to the allocation of funds brought in front of the Student Senate.”
“It is important to understand the differences between funding extracurricular speech and expressive activity, and public policy decisions,” Rudin said.
His advice for digesting the GTN is to ask questions, and have an understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order, the guidelines for an official meeting.
Schultz also had ideas on how to best learn the document.
“The best thing to do is just to read it through from start to finish once, then go back and take notes,” Schultz said.”You could also make flash cards.”
He also said that he will be updating the Con Court website so it will include past court decisions. Reading these would deepen an understanding of the Green Tape Notebook.
ASUO Sen. Lindy Mabuya, who is helping with the transition, said that they made packets for the incoming senators that include a brief overview of what is in the GTN. Her focus is getting new members ready to function well in meetings. Other than that, she said it is important for them to learn on their own. @@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30@@
“It is a learn-as-you-go thing,” Mabuya said. “I read it two times through when I started. Learn it, live it, love it.”