The ‘Best of Campus’ winners were determined by a student vote. The winners do not reflect the opinion of the Emerald.
“Take what you know about fraternities and think again.” This is what the Sigma Nu fraternity states on its website, and Oregon students seem to agree.
The fraternity, which was actually founded against hazing, renewed its charter on the University campus in 2010. While the fraternity is fairly new here, its members did not hesitate in becoming members of the community. The men are large supporters of Fraternity and Sorority Life as a whole, including Fraternity and Sorority Judicial Board, and they are also involved in local organizations such as the ASUO, the Boys and Girls Club, and the Safe Ride shuttle.
Justin Schultz@@*Schultz@@, a University junior who joined Sigma Nu as a sophomore, remembers thinking, “I saw that the men of Sigma Nu weren’t ‘frat’ guys, but a group of men that actually cared about what was happening on campus.” He joined Sigma Nu because he felt that his fellow brothers uphold their values and treat each other with respect.
“The fraternity abides by the golden rule,” he says, “Treat others how you would like to be treated. I wanted to be involved in an organization like that.”