@@I really wanted to title that ‘Battle of the Bens’@@ASUO Sen. Ben Bowman @@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30@@responded on Thursday to the grievance filed against him by Sen. Ben Rudin@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30@@ on Feb. 3, which was based on a statement Bowman made at the OSPIRG budget hearing in late January.
Rudin believes that Bowman violated viewpoint neutrality during the meeting by stating that he supports the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group because of what it stands for and not because of its service to the University.
The statement in question came when Bowman said, “I want to know that while I might not be able to work on those issues, at least there is a group fighting for them.”
Bowman responded Thursday saying that Rudin didn’t cite any rules in the Green Tape Notebook@@http://tinyurl.com/882go2w@@ or Senate laws.
Then on Friday, Rudin sent an amended grievance saying the ASUO constitution states that every officer must abide by Oregon state laws as well as federal laws, and included a Supreme Court decision saying that if a decision is made involving fees that all students must pay, viewpoint neutrality must be exhibited in the deciding process.
Bowman also stated that he did not violate viewpoint neutrality because his reasons for approving funding of OSPIRG were based on what the organization does for students and not what they stand for.
“My support is for services OSPIRG provides students on campus,” Bowman said. “I did not breach viewpoint neutrality in the hearing.”
Rudin also filed a grievance against ASUO President Ben Eckstein@@Involve ALL THE BENS!!! http://asuo.uoregon.edu/executive.php?a=12#toc25@@. This is regarding Senate Seat 13, which is still open even though 30 days have passed. In the grievance, Rudin suggested that Eckstein either fill the seat or prove to the Constitution Court that he has yet to receive any qualified applications.
“I’m not saying he violated any rules,” Rudin said. “Ultimately, it is not my call.”
He sent the grievance to the Constitution Court so they can make a decision on how best to proceed, and a ruling is expected to be made in the coming weeks.
ASUO Sen. Ben Bowman responds to accusation of viewpoint neutrality violation
Daily Emerald
February 9, 2012
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