Top 10 Valentine’s Dates
While you’ve been swamped by the midterms, projects and the multitude of other stresses that constitute college life, February 14th has slowly crept up. Worry not! Below is a list of ideas to help you get the most out of your Hallmark holiday in a very Eugene way, whether you’re with a significant other, friends, or are going it alone.
1. Laser Date Night at the Science Factory
If you’d like to treat your significant other to a night of kitsch, classic rock and/or brightly colored lights, look no further than the Science Factory. Laser light shows have been a staple of the dating scene since the 1970s, so join in the tradition and hold your date’s hand through an hour+ of psychedelic music and visuals. Science Factory members and students (with I.D.) pay only $5, and non-members pay $6.
2. Onsen Spas
Onsen is one of the area’s best-kept secrets; at least, it is if you’re into hot tubs in any weather and at (almost) any time of day. Between noon and 11:30 pm, you can rent one of 13 private hot tubs for an hour. Each tub is in a small room with an open roof, so you can spend a brief relaxation period (clothing optional) with your loved one and be dazzled by the stars or staring at the sky. I don’t know what could be better, especially at $23/hour for two people.
3. Blairally Vintage Arcade
Usually not spoken of outside the Whiteaker neighborhood, the Blairally Vintage Arcade makes restored pinball and arcade games from your parents’ generation available to everyone. Arm yourself with rolls of quarters and step up to experience technological and cultural history firsthand, whether you go for Donkey Kong or a more obscure option. It’s a great way to impress your date with late-night (between 8 pm and midnight) cheap thrills.
4. I Love Rocks
Yes, the quaint yellow house with the hand-drawn sign out front—the one you’ve passed by a thousand times—is actually a business. It’s also an awesome place to take anyone who shares the owner’s affinity for geology (or who just likes looking at pretty things). Saunter into this Eugene staple between 12pm and 6pm and you’ll find yourself surrounded by countless containers of gems, crystals and stones. Question their origins, feel them in your hands, make them into jewelry—the opportunities to revel in nature’s awe-striking processes with your date are endless.
5. All-Access Dance Party at Cozmic Pizza
Dancing is a classic way to express passion toward someone. Do it in style and within close proximity to delicious food at Cozmic Pizza between 5 pm and 7 pm on V-Day. DJ Avatar will provide bump/grind music to get funky to and, best of all, you don’t have to pay anything to get in. Start your night off sweaty and lost in the moment of the beat with your partner.
6. Falling Sky Brewery
Want something simple? Previously Valley Vinter and Brewer, a home-brewing/wine-making supply store, Falling Sky recently opened as the area’s newest brewpub. Check out the newest thing between 4pm and midnight for an easy date, complete with local food and good beer.
7. Putters Pizza and Fun Center
Evoke birthday parties of yesteryear with a trip to this one-stop mecca of laser-tag and mini golf. Whether you and your date share a competitive spirit or just crave good old-fashioned fun, Putters gives you the tools to spend an afternoon or evening playing games with each other for only $5.50 (students with I.D.).
8. David Minor Theater (21+)
$2/person tickets, champagne and a movie marathon—What’s not to love? Go for dinner, a drink and a movie all in one at the David Minor, where being loud during screenings is acceptable and even encouraged. Check their website for movies and showtimes.
9. Brush-Fire
Whether you and your date consider yourselves artsy folk or not, painting ceramics is a peaceful way to spend time together. Come by Brush-Fire between 11 am and 7 pm to share conversation and creative expression; maybe you’ll paint a plate commemorating your love, or tiles to trade with each other for lasting memories (or something a little less mushy) that’ll be kiln-fired and ready for pickup within the following week.
10. Skinner Butte Park
Buttes are funny western things—Aren’t they just really big hills? Maybe, but they offer a lot in the way of bonding! Skinner Butte, rising up at the north edge of downtown Eugene, provides a variety of options for a free, scenic way to spend the afternoon. If you and your date enjoy rock climbing, grab your gear and head to the Columns. Interested in more leisurely exercise? Opt to walk up the Butte instead. More concerned with the view? Drive to the top and gaze at the entirety of Eugene, from the mountains in the distance to the cityscape below.