In case you missed last week’s news:
For American Heart Month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted research on how much sodium Americans consume. About 90 percent of Americans eat more than the recommended 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day. For students, food venues on campus don’t offer many low-sodium options.
Other noteworthy news:
Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that taking ice baths may not be the best way to reduce muscle aches and swelling after exercise. The researchers warn that because the health risks of soaking in ice water have not been considered, it might be best to go for a light jog or soak in a warm bath after exercise.
University officials were encouraged by President Obama’s proposed federal budget, which was presented last week at Northern Virginia Community College. The proposed budget emphasizes investing in scientific research at universities. Kimberly Andrews Espy, vice president for research and innovation at the University, said that 17 new companies in Oregon have been created as a result of University research. Those companies employed 250 people and generated $33 million in revenue in Oregon’s economy last year.
New research from the University of Toronto shows that Twitter may not connect people in different parts of the world as much as previously assumed. The research shows that Twitter users follow and are followed by people in their local communities. The research also found that when Twitter followers span state or national borders, they are more likely to follow someone in a city that is accessible by plane. For example, someone in New York City is more likely to follow someone in London, England than someone in a small American city not accessible by plane.
Week in Review: Business, health and science
Daily Emerald
February 22, 2012
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