We’ve all been desperate in academics before. Falling behind is not difficult in classes as demanding as University of Oregon provides. So, when you receive a batch email through Blackboard announcing that a student is selling some notes, it may come as a ray of hope. In my experience, though, you probably won’t get your money’s worth.
Payment model
Notehall doesn’t allow you to only pay for one set of notes. Rather, you purchase a subscription that rations out credits which can be used to gain access to notes. Unless you plan on picking up notes for future classes, chances are you’ll be locked into paying for more than you actually use.
Little quality-control
The last set of notes I purchased were a jumble of dead ASCII characters, a totally corrupt file, despite reviews saying that it was fine. There was nothing I and fellow students could do but give the note-giver a bad grade.
Website design
Notehall is also a pain to navigate — entire subpages are broken in some browsers — and an eyesore. If they were trying to convince people that their website was anything other than sketchy, they certainly failed. Especially considering the number of ads on the site inviting you to sell your notes for money.