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NCAA moving to punish Penn State
We don’t know exactly what their plan is — we don’t really care. All we know is that one chapter of this sad, sad story is closer to some type of resolution.
Chappelle in town
It was late-notice (we found out he was coming Friday), but all the tickets were sold within a half-hour of being on sale. As of writing, the show hasn’t started yet, but it’s a big name and a full crowd.
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$68-million football mansion
We don’t know how to feel about the lavish conditions of the new football facilities revealed last week by the Register-Guard. Of course, the football team boosts Oregon’s national renown tremendously, but when PLC looks like cavemen built it, and the university is looking for hundreds of dollars per-term for students to renovate arguably the most important building on campus, it’s hard not to want to throw a temper-tantrum.
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Mitt Romney’s Cayman money
Romney refusing to release his tax releases before the last couple years, his “retroactive retirement” and other info released about his attempts to avoid paying certain taxes simply cement the notion that he is out of touch.