City officials continue to push a new “social host” ordinance through the Eugene City Council that would instigate new penalties associated with campus parties. The push would attempt to reduce underage drinking, lower the number of unruly parties and ease community member’s fractious feelings about the common social gatherings.
According to The Register Guard, the proposed ordinance would consider parties involving alcohol of five or more people with two or more offenses taking place, a violation. In addition, the Department of Public Safety would be allowed to patrol neighborhoods around campus and assist the Eugene Police Department in responding to violations.
University student Kyle Holsworth@@*Holsworth@@, a resident of the popular party area of Ferry Street, is concerned about the new penalties.
“I live with six people, so our house would be considered a party already,” Holsworth said. “I think they’ve gotten out of hand. They know college kids are going to have parties and no ordinance is going to stop students from partying.”
The ordinance would plan to give students more power by allowing the host of an out-of-control party to call the police voluntarily and avoid getting fined.
“People could use it as an out, but they’re just throwing the people at their house under the bus. If they call, all the people at the party get in trouble,” Holsworth said.
The ordinance also recommends that the University change its conduct code so that the students committing violations could be punished by the institution.
While these ideas have made little headway at the University, Holsworth thinks this may be a better option than a monetary fine.
“You could take away privileges to the Rec Center or student tickets. That’s something people hold valuable but wouldn’t make students pay a fine,” Holsworth said.
Holsworth also doesn’t think community members are being affected at levels that should concern city officials.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a family walking around in East Eugene,” Holsworth said.
Hosts of off-campus parties could face increased penalties due to proposed city policy
Ian Campbell
September 18, 2012
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