Your transportation needs across campus will vary based on what you’re studying. Nevertheless, there are a few tricks to crossing campus that can save you some time.
Avoid 13th Avenue between classes: As the main campus thoroughfare, 13th Avenue is the primary route for most of the roughly 30,000 faculty, staff and students of the University of Oregon — and you shouldn’t be one of them. Instead, take the much less congested paths between buildings on either side of 13th Avenue.
Don’t be afraid of the grass: Unlike many campuses, the University of Oregon’s lawns aren’t off-limits to foot traffic. Though staying on paths might result in cleaner shoes, if it’s the difference between the often-busy footpaths and being late to class or braving the mud and getting there on time, a little dirt might be worth it.
Learn which buildings you can cut through: Your route will vary based on your major, but the process of getting from Point A to Point B on campus can almost always be expedited by going through buildings rather than around them. Take the time to get to know which buildings are open and when. Make sure you get a feel for their layout, too; getting lost in the labyrinthine science or art buildings is a very real possibility, especially if you’re in a hurry.
Places to avoid
13th Avenue: If the sea of people wasn’t enough to deter you, the high volume of bicyclists in a hurry might. If you have to brave 13th Avenue, be ready to quickly get out of the way of oncoming bikes.
Pioneer Cemetery at night: Despite being tranquil by day, the historic cemetery is home to many of the University’s violent crimes at night. It may seem tempting, but shaving five minutes off your transit time isn’t worth the risk.
Kincaid and Alder Streets: Though impossible to completely avoid, be careful when crossing either street. Although most drivers yield to pedestrians like they’re supposed to, some don’t.
Fast fact:
The campus population is steadily growing, with an additional 5,466 undergraduate students enrolling in 2011.