Wildfire in Central Oregon nearly contained
A wildfire near Sisters, Ore., is 80 percent contained, according to KPTV.@@checked@@ The fire has currently burned more than 26,000 acres in the region, but evacuation orders have been lifted for parts of the area since the fire began on Sept. 9.
The fire is expected to be fully contained by Oct. 15.
Portland’s anti-fluoride group continues campaign
Yesterday marked the halfway point in an anti-fluoride group’s campaign for 20,000 signatures in a 30-day period. The group would not release the number of signatures they have accrued over the last 15 days, but fundraising efforts to support the campaign have been successful, according to The Oregonian.
The campaign effort is an attempt to block the City of Portland’s City Council decision on Sept. 12 that would allow fluoride in the city’s drinking water.
Congress denies proposal to study effects of coal trains.
KCBY is reporting that Congressman Peter DeFazio’s proposed amendment to a coal bill — which would require the U.S. Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency to issue a report on coal dust from trains passing through Oregon cities — has been denied.
Robber sentenced 25 years for firing upon Salem police
A 30-year-old robber was sentenced to 25 years in prison Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to gun and robbery charges, according to the Associated Press.
Matthew Sean Saner fired at a responding officer after Saner, who was high on heroin, robbed a convenience store and a FedEx office in February. The responding officer returned fire, wounding Saner multiple times before taking him into custody.@@ouch@@
Conservation groups sue in attempt to stop federal timber sale
Conservationists are suing the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in an attempt to prevent the Rickard Creek timber sale, according to the Albany Democrat-Herald. The groups say the transaction would destroy the habitat of a small tree rodent, the red tree vole.