The thrill of moving into a new home is always exciting because you get to design everything yourself. Sometimes the price tag can suck all the fun out of it.
A couple ways to save money and still make your home a work of art is by being creative and literally doing it yourself. Making art that is useful will easily put a smile on your face and create that warm accomplished feeling inside.
One way to start is by adding vintage-style lighting in your home to add some flavor and character. By being resourceful and turning everyday pieces into something beautiful makes it simple and affordable. Below are instructions on how to turn a Mason jar into a hanging lamp for your home.
What it will look like:
What you will need:
• 1 mason jar (or however many you want)
• 1 black electrical cord named Hemma from Ikea ($5)
• 1 light bulb
• A drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 1 ½”
• sand paper
• a black Sharpie
Where to get these items:
• You can get packs of mason jars from places like Michaels, Cash & Carry, Target, Joanne’s, etc.
• The black electrical cord can be found at Ikea for $5. The product name is Hemma and is found in the Light and Home section.
• To get the perfect light bulb, you can find it next to the electrical cord at Ikea. It depends what kind of light you want. You can also go to Home Depot or any home equipment store.
• A drill, drill bit and sand paper can be found at any home equipment store: Home Depot, Lowes, etc.
• A black Sharpie can be purchased at any office supply store: Office Depot, The Duck Store, Office Max, etc.
How to make it:
• Take your Mason jar and place it so the top of the jar is facing you.
• Now pick up your black electric cord from Ikea. There is a piece that can unscrew itself from the body of the piece. Unscrew that piece.
• Place that piece on top of the Mason jar. Make sure it is in the center and trace the hole on top of the Mason jar with a Sharpie.
• With your perfect traced circle on the Mason jar, line up the drill (make sure the drill bit is 1 ½ diameter) and drill a hole through it.
• After you have drilled your hole, take your sand paper and use it to smooth out the edges of the hole you have just created.
Now you have you the piece that you unscrewed from the black electric cord in one hand and the rest of the cord in the other.
Take the lid of the Mason jar (where you drilled your hole) and screw it on to the body of the electric cord.
Now take that little piece that you unscrewed (to trace on the lid) and screw that on, on the bottom of the lid (opposite side of the black electric cord body)