Ten Tips for the New Quarter
Story and Photos by Emily Carino
Winter term has begun, and, just like at the beginning of every new quarter, you might be feeling a little bit of a panic. After all, you have all-new classes, all-new classmates, and an entirely different schedule. That could disorient anyone! But never fear–we’ve got some advice to help smooth the transition and make winter term just as great–or better than–fall term.
Your class syllabus is your Bible. Without it, there is a good chance you’ll have a ten-week-long headache. You walk into class like it is any other Wednesday but realize there is a quiz today, which happens to be worth 25% of your grade. Want sympathy from your teacher when you say you didn’t know the quiz was today? Most likely response you’ll get is, “Well, it was on the syllabus.”Get to class. Even if you decide to sit there like a zombie, being physically present allows your brain to still obtain any information given. You never know, it could be your lucky day! For example, to reward you and the other students for attending lecture, your teacher may reveal the extra credit answer for the upcoming midterm.Don’t forget “Thirsty Thursday” is a part of the weekend only in the minds of college students, not your professors. Showing up for Friday class is just as important as making an appearance in Monday’s class.Despite the winter weather that is upon us this quarter, bundle up and get outside! Go on a bike ride into the sunshine, or walk to a local park with friends. It is a fantastic way to de-stress. Just walking distance from campus, you can stroll through downtown and see Eugene’s various shops. Or make your way to Hendricks Park and meander through some of the Northwest’s loveliest trees.Can’t bring yourself to go out in the frigid cold? Find your inner couch potato and use the time inside to catch up or get ahead on class readings.Use campus cash! Load up your University of Oregon ID card inside the EMU at the beginning of the quarter and you’ll be prepared for any future last minute or spontaneous food purchases.Get to office hours. You’d be surprised how beneficial it is for you to spend even just a few minutes with your teacher or GTF. Developing any type of relationship will help put a face to your name as they skim through their grade book.Do not procrastinate. There is a reason why you are told this too many times than you’d like to hear. It’s the beginning of the term again, and you’ve got another shot at being on top of your work from the start. Procrastination kills…your grades, that is.Go see your advisor at least once this quarter. Come senior year, you don’t want to find out you’re a few credits to short of graduating. Those additional thousands of dollars could have stayed in your pocket if you went and visited your advisor just a few more times.Breathe! In addition to students, we are also human beings. Have a little fun. For as much money and time we invest in school, it makes sense why we may treat a test or project as if it’s do or die. Don’t! Even the toughest exam isn’t going to literally kill you. Shocker, huh?