MOROCCO: Five men set themselves on fire as part of widespread demonstrations against unemployment. Three of the five were hospitalized for their burns. (New York Times)
UNITED STATES/CANADA: The U.S. State Department rejected a permit for the 1,600-mile Keystone XL pipeline, citing insufficient time to review the proposal after Nebraska and environmental groups objected. (BBC)
HAITI: A judge convicted eight policemen for their role in a 2010 prison riot that resulted in ten prisoners shot to death. The verdict was heralded as a milestone for the country’s weak judicial system. (Washington Post)
ETHIOPIA: A bus plunged into a gorge near Addis Ababa, killing 43 people on board. (Sydney Morning Herald)
CUBA: Political prisoner Wilman Villar Mendoza died following a 50-day hunger strike. (El Mundo)