In case you missed last week’s news:
The University Health Center urges students to get their flu shots, a new FDA-recognized product claims to cure hangovers, and University officials, and students talk about the increased Adderall use on campus.
Other noteworthy news:
A research team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences@@ looked at the brains of 17 men and women who have internet addiction disorder (IAD)@@ Scientists found that participants who had IAD showed differences in the white matter of the brain. Their findings suggest that IAD changes the brain similar to some substance addictions and control disorders.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation@@ invested $8 million in a potential HIV vaccine developed at OHSU. The vaccine has only been tested on the Rhesus monkey@@ but showed promising results. In the news release last Thursday, OHSU said the vaccine was more than 50 percent effective on the animals. Still, scientists said it will be years until the candidate vaccine can be tested on humans.
New numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 38 million American adults binge drink about four times a month.@@already linked@@ The study looked at drinking behavior in all 50 states and showed that binge drinking is most common in the Midwest and New England. About 17 percent of Oregon adults said they binge drink.
Hostess Brands, Inc., the maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread, filed for bankruptcy last week. The 82-year-old company has been struggling with high debt and high labor costs but plans to continue operating and bounce back. Hostess filed for bankruptcy in 2004 and has struggled since, with Twinkies sales declining. Check out NPR’s advice on what to do with Twinkies instead of eating them.