2815 Chad Drive
Jan. 13, 5:13 p.m.
The caller spotted the subject in the electronics area inside a store. The subject was cutting plastic with a razor.
Suspicious conditions
3157 Wood Ave.
Jan. 13, 7:50 p.m.
The caller saw a small Honda with windows heavily fogged parked off to the side of a road near the woods. He noticed the car had two occupants that would duck down and hide every time someone drove by. The caller could not see enough to describe the occupants, but they were parked for more than an hour.
Suspicious conditions
808 Clark St.
Jan. 13, 8:48 p.m.
Parked directly in front of the caller’s residence was a U-Haul truck. It sounded like there was a large dog inside the vehicle, barking and rocking it back and forth. The caller didn’t know how long it had been parked there or who it belonged to and didn’t feel comfortable getting too close.
Reckless endangering
560 18th Ave.
Jan. 13, 10:51 p.m.
After hearing a loud crash outside where vehicles are parked and people often walk, the caller went outside to discover someone had pushed a refrigerator either off from their roof or their balcony.
Illegal burning
106 Iowa St.
Jan. 14, 12:12 p.m.
A barrel was seen burning in the middle of the street.
Traffic hazard
1105 Coburg Rd.
Jan. 14, 12:56 p.m.
A large, purple couch pillow was spotted in the left lane just east of the Coburg Road exit.@@lol@@
Loud noise
1608 E 24th Ave.
Jan. 15, 12:48 a.m.
The caller reported a large party in the corner house and heard “loud party noises.” He heard someone yell they were going to “party all night” and decided to call the police.@@possible shallot?@@
Criminal trespass
3575 Donald St.
Jan. 16, 10:01 a.m.
A group of juveniles were seen sledding in a parking lot.
Traffic hazard
Willamette St. and 8th Ave.
Jan. 16, 11:12 a.m.
Five turkeys were headed northbound in traffic with the subject’s dogs chasing after them.@@lol@@