University of Oregon students, staff and faculty are reputed to have a penchant for volunteerism, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service, a state-run agency that runs much of the volunteer organizations in the United States. The agency ranked Oregon 14th in the country for its volunteer rate.
Last year, according to, 32.3 percent of Eugene residents volunteered — drawing heavily from the student, staff and faculty population at the UO. Between 2007-2010, a mix of University of Oregon students and Eugene residents donated more than 11 million hours of public service.
VolunteeringinAmerica’s research suggests that as education levels climb, the level of volunteering increases. Educational institutions like the UO tend to foster a growing interest in public service in their respective communities.
Katie Palmer, a senior at UO, says public service helps her feel connected.
“Volunteering is invaluable because it makes you an active member of the greater community,” she said. “I’m not just a student who is here for a little while and then leaving, but a contributing part of Eugene.”
Palmer has volunteered at Greenhill Humane Society and thinks more students would enjoy getting involved.
“Volunteering is a great way to meet people with similar interests as you, plus it looks good on your resume,” Palmer said. “It’s a win-win.”
Eugene has a lot of opportunities to get involved. Many are available on the UO’s database of volunteer positions.
Here is a short list of volunteer positions open for the holidays:
- Garden lovers, landscape architecture students, and everyone who likes to work in the dirt may volunteer at the Owen Rose Garden, Hendricks Park, or the Hazelnut and Cottonwood Groves.
- Cooks and servers are needed at FOOD for Lane County and the HIV Alliance.
- Elementary educators and those who enjoy working with children are sought by the Materials Exchange Center for the Arts (MECCA) and the Pearl Buck Center.
- Computer scientists can share their skill to help Mid Lane Community Partnerships.
- Dancers, physical education majors and yoga practitioners can volunteer as fill-in yoga instructors at the McKenzie River Yoga Club.
- Political junkies and law students are needed as volunteers by the Eugene Teen Courts and Temple Beth Israel.
- Golfers can volunteer for First Tee Willamette Valley.
- Tutors of all subjects are needed at the Churchill High School’s tutoring center.