Students will gather tonight in Willamette Hall to combat what some see as decreasing student participation and relevance in the University’s decision-making.
Take Back Campus will begin at 7 p.m. in Willamette 100.
The ASUO Executive and a network of campus groups concerned with sustainability issues will present a forum designed to inform students of “how they can become more active and make their voices heard more efficiently,” said Jesse Hough, one of the event’s organizers.
Hough, a co-director of the Survival Center, said the forum is designed to “get students riled up” about issues including restaurant Holy Cow’s contract not being renewed, the University’s proposed new arena and ethnic studies not being granted departmentalization.
A press release for the event also lists the removal of faculty, public safety on campus and the replacement of the University’s wrestling program as issues where “students feel a lack of participation or power.”
Some have questioned the timing of the event because ASUO elections are only a few weeks away and most of the issues discussed will likely be hotly contested campaign topics.
“There’s no connection at all,” Hough said. “When you’re getting people to be vocal and you’re getting people to vote it’s kind of the same realm, but there’s really no connection between the two things.”
Hough said there is “energy in the air right now” around these issues, and anyone will be welcome to speak at the event.
“We’re trying to be very inclusive. It’s not like we’re only letting people who are running speak there,” he said. “I can definitely see the concern there, but this is very different from any kind of elections business.”
Student groups will hold ‘Take Back Campus’ forum to encourage activism
Daily Emerald
March 2, 2008
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