Name: Jana Bradley
Sport: Lacrosse
Position: Attacker
Year: Senior
Hometown: Encinitas, Calif.
Oregon Daily Emerald: Whose decision was it to have practice at six in the morning twice a week?
Jana Bradley: It’s the decision of having about 15 seniors trying to graduate, and that’s pretty much the only time we can fit it in our class schedule.
ODE: Were the non-seniors happy with that?
JB: No, not at all.
ODE: Coach Larsen said she scrimmages with the soccer team occasionally. How is she at soccer?
JB: She can keep up with them. She’s aggressive and she gets out there.
ODE: How hard is it to carve out a lacrosse tradition where there isn’t one?
JB: It’s very hard. You’re going through airports, and people say ‘What do you play’ and you say, ‘Lacrosse’ and they really have no clue what it is. It took some time but I think it’s slowly growing.
ODE: Can you believe it’s your senior year already?
JB: No, I can’t. I mean it’s gone by so fast, I think I’ve done a really good job of trying to cherish every moment though, and this year all of our seniors know this it is our last.
ODE: Who’s the biggest trash talker on the team?
JB: There aren’t really any trash talkers on the team, but Cara Mead, she’s pretty feisty.
ODE: When you were a freshman you were voted ‘Rookie of the Year.’ Are this year’s freshman living up?
JB: We only have three, but all three have really stepped up and are really getting in the flow of offense and defense. They transitioned really easy into the program.
Athlete of the week: Jana Bradley
Daily Emerald
February 19, 2008
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