“McCain must not understand what it means to be pro-choice, as he continued to use the words ‘pro-abortion’ multiple times.
Women don’t want abortions – is that so difficult to understand?”
– Meredith LaFrance
“McCain repeatedly attacked Obama over the course of the entire debate. I think Obama did a good job keeping his focus on the issues. Serious voters should follow up on the facts about the campaign; see who was honest and, conversely, what statements simply aren’t true.”
– Quinn Moticka
“What annoyed me about the debate is that both candidates tend to argue back and forth on whose plan calls for more tax cuts. Although I do think raising taxes in poor economic times is probably a bad idea, I wish someone would address a major, and more general, ideological issue: Taxes, as annoying as they may be, are the investments in infrastructure required of us by our country, and ultimately endow our people with a civilized society.”
– Matt Petryni
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