EAT for cheap
Almost every ASUO group, city committee meeting and neighborhood association gathering provides food. Not only will you fill up on pizza or sandwiches, but you’ll also get connected on important issues.
Hassle-o-meter: 9 – Finding out when these events take place requires a bit of research. Try Google-searching “Eugene neighborhood associations” and click on the result that says “neighborhoods.” This will take you to a page that lists the neighborhood associations and when they’re having meetings. You can also check the calendar at for student group events, or go to for a list of events at the EMU.
What about my dignity? If you just eat and leave, you look like a tool.
Giving blood to the Oregon Blood Bank not only saves lives – it saves you from starvation. The Blood Bank RV is often parked outside the EMU, and when you donate they usually give you pizza or other food so you don’t pass out.
Hassle-o-meter: 6 – Far healthier than eating blood. But having a needle in your arm for awhile can be a little uncomfortable.
What about my dignity? You just saved someone’s life, so it’s a win-win.
Whether or not you’re interested in joining a fraternity (and regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman), going to fraternity recruitment events during the first few weeks of the school year is an easy way to bum a free meal (especially if you like barbecues). These events are usually harmless meet-and-greets, and there is plenty of food and people who are happy to be good hosts.
How? Other than sniffing around for wafts of Abercrombie and Fitch cologne, you can go to the Week of Welcome events and keep an eye out for fraternity men tabling or handing out flyers of their event schedules. You can also look online at
Hassle-o-meter: 1 – Unless you’re a recluse, meeting people and eating for free is always a good time. And you never know, maybe you’ll actually like the place and decide to join.
What about my dignity? Unless you make it obvious you have absolutely no intention of joining, people will be happy to have you and your friends around.
Not all tailgates are created equal, but most are willing to share food after they’ve indulged in a few drinks. Put on your best smile, hang out with some random middle-aged partyers and wait for them to offer you the leftovers. The best tailgates to hit up are alums who’ve been out of school for 10 years or more.
Hassle-o-meter: 3 – They’re drunk, rich and stuffed. You’re young and laugh at their jokes. How could they not want you as their child?
What about my dignity? Hearing a drunken sex joke from a 55-year-old might cause that free food to evacuate your stomach.
The book is loaded with hundreds of useful coupons for everything from food to hair cuts. The coupon book is available online, and often if you just mention the thing they’ll give you the discount.
Hassle-o-meter: 2 – The worst that can happen is getting a paper cut.
What about my dignity? You can use the extra 50 cents for … Wait, what can you buy for 50 cents?
You will almost always find the self-titled Frog outside the Duck Shop selling his joke books. If you have time to kill, go chat it up with him for a while. He’s been posting himself there for years and he never seems to tire of talking to students.
Hassle-o-meter: 2 – You already pass him on your way to class.
What about my dignity? People will think you’re being nice.
Every Friday at 4 p.m. in the EMU Amphitheater, the University’s two nationally-popular a cappella groups give free performances. On the Rocks is the men’s group and Divisi is the women’s, and both groups take everything, from rap to hip hop to rock, and turn it into a beautiful vocal performance.
Hassle-o-meter: 1 – It’s right in the heart of campus, and you don’t have to wait in line.
What about my dignity? The groups will love you for coming, and your new taste in music will make you look smart.
Located in Springfield’s Gateway Mall, the theater shows almost every movie a few months after it leaves the major theaters. With a busy college schedule, who needs to pay $7.50 or more to catch a flick? Just wait until it hits the dollar-fifty – it’s even cheaper than On Demand.
Hassle-o-meter: 1 – Unless you’re so obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio you can’t wait
any longer.
What about my dignity? You’re setting a pretty low bar for a first date.
Not only are you getting out and watching great athletics, but you’re also boosting your school spirit. Believe it or not, the University does participate in sports other than football and basketball – and some of them are really, really good. Take Oregon volleyball, for instance. These women are often ranked in the top 10 in the nation, and they play in the Pacific-10 Conference, which is regarded as the nation’s toughest volleyball league. Visit for schedules.
Hassle-o-meter: 0.5 – There are no lines. It’s free. All you need is your ID card. These events even give out free stuff.
What about my dignity? Are you kidding? You’ll feel good about supporting your fellow students as they pummel the Washington Huskies.
When it’s hot outside, this cheap activity (all it takes is a $10 inner tube from Joe’s) is a relaxing way to kill a few hours after class. When it’s cold outside, this becomes an extreme sport. Rent a life jacket, wet suit and tube for just $15 from the ASUO Outdoor Program and you’re all set.
Hassle-o-meter: 6 – If your idea of fun is being dry, then you might want to avoid this.
What about my dignity? Do it in the winter and … Congratulations! You’ve reached a new level of cool.
It’s like watching COPS, but it’s all happening right in front of you. If you go with an officer patrolling the West University neighborhood on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night, you’re bound to see some hilarious drunk people getting busted. To get set up with a ride, call the Eugene Police Crime Prevention Specialist at (541) 682-5137 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Hassle-o-meter: 4 – You can watch COPS high, but you can’t do it during the ride-along. Also not a good idea if there’s a warrant out for your arrest.
What about my dignity? The drunkies might think you’re a cop, too.
It doesn’t really make sense when you say it: “I’m going to spend my night off by going to a free lecture.” But many of the random speakers who come to campus in the evening are remarkably more fascinating than the ones you hear in class. There are also countless free movie showings and concerts on campus.
Hassle-o-meter: 4 – Go to a bad speaker with only a few guests and you look like a jerk leaving early.
What about my dignity? You’re smarter now than you were before, but everyone hates a know-it-all.
You can get a 10 percent discount on tuition by taking classes that start prior to 9 a.m., after 3 p.m. and have 100 or more students. You can find these courses by checking the
“Reduced-Tuition Classes” box when you search for courses on DuckWeb.
Hassle-o-meter: 3 – Finding them is easy. Getting out of bed that early/being in class in the evening is another story.
What about my dignity? You could miss that afternoon game of beer pong with your friends. But then again, with all that extra dough you can buy a round of drinks at the bar.
MOVE for cheap
The Designated Driver Shuttle and the Assault Prevention Shuttle offer free rides (read: You’ve already paid for it with your student fees) to anyone between their respective hours. DDS operates between 10 p.m. and 2:30 a.m., and APS runs from 6 p.m. until midnight or 2 a.m. on weekends. Call (541) 346-RIDE.
Hassle-o-meter: 5 – Long waits are sometimes a pain, and DDS will only take you home. For DDS, you also must have an exact address of where you’re headed. On the plus side, they will never get you in trouble for MIP.
What about my dignity? The sober drivers will probably think you’re hilarious.
BONUS: Volunteer or work for one of the two services. It’s simultaneously easy money and free entertainment.
Well, it’s not actually free, but you are already paying for it through your mandatory student fees. Your student government gives Lane Transit District close to $800,000 annually for your
student ID card to work as a bus pass, so you might as well get your money’s worth. LTD has bus routes that run from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., and the routes go everywhere. It even has a Bus Rapid
Transit, which is similar to a light-rail train, that runs from downtown Eugene to downtown Springfield.
Hassle-o-meter: 3 – Unless you think pouring $50 or more into your gas tank per week is no big deal, riing the bus is a piece of cake. For routeschedules, go to, or use the nifty “Public transit” feature when you get directions on Google Maps.
What about my dignity? It makes that first-date pickup a little awkward.
Rather than pay someone to fix your bike for you, just take the
broken mess to the Outdoor Program barn located at the corner of East 18th Avenue and University Street. There is an entire bike shop with every tool and spare part you can imagine – and the best part is it’s all free. There will even be a maintenance worker there to help you during certain hours (which have not yet been determined).
Here are the Bike Maintenance Co-op hours for the fall:
Monday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Thursday & Friday: noon-6 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m.-noon.
Hassle-o-meter: 8 – If you can’t tell the difference between a monkey and a socket wrench, this might not be for you.
What about my dignity? Chicks dig a guy who can fix things – and vice versa.
Don’t let Comcast jerk you around. Houses in Eugene, especially in the West University neighborhood, are so close together and have so many wireless routers that it’s senseless to pay for your own. Just knock on your neighbor’s door and work out a deal.
Hassle-o-meter: 3 – Unless you’re the house with the
router, your new partners have a good way to get revenge.
What about my dignity? It beats hacking it illegally.
They’re free, and the chances you’ll have to deal with scuzzy
weirdos is less likely than on Craig’s List. Go to
Hassle-o-meter: 2 – It’s quick.
What about my dignity? It would be weird to pick up that used set of underwear.
These days (and especially with the abundance of Eugene hippie culture) telling someone you got a sweet shirt at the Goodwill is a badge of honor rather than an embarrassment. The Break (the place with the pool tables in the EMU basement) also has end-of-the-year sales of the unclaimed lost-and-found items.
A few Eugene second-hand stores:
Goodwill – almost a half-dozen Eugene locations. Closest is out on West 11th Avenue.
The Salvation Army – almost a half-dozen Eugene locations. Closest is out on West 11th Avenue.
Buffalo Exchange – a cheap place to buy cool used clothes.
Located at 131 E. 5th Ave.
Hassle-o-meter: 5 – It takes longer to make an outfit than taking the clothes off a mannequin at Macy’s.
What about my dignity? Just hope no one points out that you’re wearing a shirt they gave to the Goodwill.
The psychology department will pay you about $10 per hour (and usually in cash) for one- to two-hour experiments. These gigs typically involve sitting in front of a computer and pushing buttons, but there are some really interesting ones involving multiple people. You can also get paid more than $50 to do one in an MRI machine. Just go to and create an account and pick out the experiments you want to do.
Hassle-o-meter: 1 – The money is good and tax-free, and it beats picking up overtime hours at the Grab-n-Go.
What about my dignity? People might look at you funny if an experiment goes bad and you start growing broccoli on your head, but you’re helping the greater good, so they’ll understand.
It not only gets you out of your messy bedroom, it’s also extremely easy to use a computer on campus. Knight Library has many computers to use, and you can even check out a laptop for up to four hours. Just search “Laptop” under the “Title” category in the catalog search on the home page. The building where your major is held also probably has a lab with computers for students. What about storing your files? Get a Google account and use Google Docs. The program is free and it’s just as good as Microsoft Office – it even has spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentation options. You can also store all your documents online and access them at any computer.
Hassle-o-meter: 9 – You won’t have a computer at home so you’ll be subject to library and building hours.
What about my dignity? You can tell people you’re “being green.”
Why? Three reasons. 1) Sometimes professors don’t use all the books they put on the required list. 2) The book is often only useful if you don’t go to class. In many classes, especially lower
division breadth courses, you only are responsible for the material that’s taught in class – so just go to class and save yourself a hundred bucks. 3) You can get them for free at the library. Professors aren’t required to put the course’s books on reserve at the Knight Library, but they almost always do. The Course Reserves desk is located at the far left-hand side of the Knight Library, near the front entrance. Books can be checked out for about two to four hours.
Hassle-o-meter: 7 – Going to the library to get the book and only being able to use it for a set number of hours can make this system a nuisance.
What about my dignity? It’s a legit way to get free
information, but only geeks go to the library, after all.
Just tell the following places to charge it to your student account:
– The Health Center
– Items at the Rec Center
Have the parental units put Campus Cash on your card, and use at the following places:
– Panda Express, Subway and every other café on campus, including The Buzz Café
– Union Market in the EMU basement
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