I was disappointed to see the negative publicity about OSPIRG in the paper (“The OSPIRG you can’t see,” ODE, Jan. 22). I have been to a couple of their meetings and I have been very impressed with their projects and enthusiasm toward making a difference. OSPIRG is a place for students who want to be activists, not just on campus, but on issues that affect the community and beyond. Where some students say they don’t want to support it because they don’t see the impact on campus, I say, what have you done? That $5.60 from each student would not go very far if it was left in the hands of individuals, but with OSPIRG, the money is used for worthwhile campaigns. Just from looking at the accomplishments listed in the Emerald, we can see the value of the group. From the meetings I attended, it was clear that the money going toward the salaries is also worthwhile since OSPIRG works full-time to put the students’ ideas into action. Rather than printing articles that lead students to think negatively about OSPIRG, maybe you should write another article that promotes their projects and encourages students to get involved.
Kathy Redden
University student