Dead Week. It’s upon us now, which means extended library hours and extra studying. Or does it?
Certain rules govern the ability of faculty members to administer exams on Dead Week. According to the University Registrar’s Office, “No examination worth more than 20 percent of the final grade will be given, with the exception of make-up examinations,” and, “No projects will be due unless they have been clearly specified on the class syllabus within the first two weeks of the term.”
And yet professors continue to violate these rules. The consequence of their actions is that students are deprived of an extra week of school, a week they have committed time and money to. For the average student, complaining about one less week of school may seem backwards in logic; and yet, the rules were put in place for students’ benefit. They should not be forced into more work in their 10th week than is necessary because their professor is in a hurry to finish up class and get to work on their research papers.
These rules are among the most frequently overlooked at the University. Often times, in lieu of finals, professors will assign “research projects” and “take-home exams,” to be due before or during finals. Another rule states, “Take-home examinations will be due no earlier than the day of the formally assigned final examination for the class in question.” But how many students have had professors assign papers or exams due Monday of Finals Week? Doing so violates the aforementioned rule, but that doesn’t stop professors who would rather not hang around campus longer than they have to.
Students don’t have that luxury. As long as some professors follow the rules and give out finals on Finals Week, students will need Dead Week to study. But having assignments due the week before finals in effect makes finals a two-week affair – something no student wants.
Respect for the regulations put in place is key to maintaining our University’s integrity. If the rules state that giving exams on Dead Week violates University conduct, someone should enforce those rules. Because clearly no one is doing so right now.