The Banff Mountain Film Festival, featuring the cream of the crop within mountain environment, mountain culture, mountain sports and wildlife pictures, is playing at 150 Columbia at 7 p.m. tonight.
Although this is the 25th annual mountain film tour, it’s the fourth time the Oregon Outdoor Program has sponsored the event.
Because the festival is celebrating 25 years of mountain films, this year’s tour will feature selected gems from previous festivals as well as the best of this year’s festival, said Dan Geiger, Outdoor Program coordinator.
The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour presents the best of the film festival, from short films to longer pieces, most of which will never be shown in theaters or on television, according to Geiger. The types of activities that the films will focus on include rock climbing, paragliding, whitewater rafting, kayaking and mountain biking.
“There is really something for everyone,” said Geiger, noting that the festival tour is not just for hardcore kayakers and outdoor freaks. “This is the event of the year if you like outdoor sports.”
The event is one night only, and then the tour moves on to Bend. However, Geiger promises that the tour will be back next year.
Tickets typically sell out the night of the show and are $7 for Oregon students and Oregon Outdoor Program members ($8 on the day of the show) and $9 for the general public ($10 at the door). For more information, call 346-4365.