Monday, Nov. 5
Workshop: Academic advising presents “Graduate Admissions: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why.” 4 p.m. Gerlinger Lounge. Free.
Art reception: The “Artist’s Book Show,” with MFA visual design by Naomi Kasumi, MFA fibers by Robin Seloover, MFA ceramics by Carrie Shields and BA art work by Julie Lake. 7-9 p.m. LaVerne Krause Gallery, Lawrence Hall. Free.
Video: “Understanding the New White Nationalism: Implications for Our Multicultural Peoplehood.” Pre-register. Noon-1:30 p.m. Board Room, EMU. Free. For information, call 346-2954.
Anthropology/Oregon Humanities Center program: Anthropologist Carol Silverman presents a lecture-demonstration on Balkan-Romani music. 3 p.m. Beall Hall. Free.
Lecture: The environmental studies department presents Silva Forest Foundation executive director Susan Hammond discussing developing and implementing ecosystem-based plans for diverse forest uses that protect, maintain and restore forests. 4-5 p.m. 16 Pacific. Free.
Classified staff meeting: This is an opportunity for information sharing and discussion of concerns, bringing together classified employees and University President Dave Frohnmayer, who will speak briefly and answer questions. Vice Presidents John Moseley, Dan Williams and Allan Price, as well as Human Resources Director Linda King will also attend. Refreshments served. Get release time from supervisors and call 346-3159 to indicate plans to attend. 5-6:30 p.m. Browsing Room, Knight Library.
Tuesday, Nov. 6
Classified staff meeting: This is an opportunity for information sharing and discussion of concerns, bringing together classified employees and University President Dave Frohnmayer, who will speak briefly and answer questions. Vice Presidents John Moseley, Dan Williams and Allan Price, as well as Human Resources Director Linda King also will attend. Refreshments served. Get release time from supervisors and call 346-3159 to indicate plans to attend. 10-11:30 a.m. Browsing Room, Knight Library.
University Ensemble concert: The Oregon Composers Forum presents a program of new music by graduate composition students. 8 p.m. Beall Hall. Free. (Rescheduled from Nov. 12.)
Wednesday, Nov. 7
Workshop: Human resources presents “Mindmapping and Action Planning.” Pre-register. 8 a.m.-noon. Metolius/Owyhee Rooms, EMU. Free.
Teach-in: Political science and ASUO present “After September 11,” with Anita Weiss, international studies, and Pete Suttmeier, political science, leading a discussion of “Islamic Societies, Globalization and Grievances with the Western Order.” 3:30-5 p.m. 110 Fenton. Free.
Teaching and tea: Center for the Study of Women in Society presents “Poesie en ligne: Poetes du Quebec,” with Karen McPherson, romance languages. 330 Hendricks. 4-5:30 p.m. Refreshments served. Free.
University Ensemble Concert: The University Campus Band, directed by GTF Steven Schifferdecker, and the Campus Orchestra, directed by GTF Franklin Alvarez, perform. 8 p.m. Beall Hall. Free.
Thursday, Nov. 8
Meeting: The Campus Planning Committee’s agenda includes siting of the East Campus Child Care Center. 10-11:30 a.m. Lewis Presidential Lounge (fourth floor), Knight Law Center. Free.
Sociology colloquium: Ken Liberman, sociology, discusses “The Local Orderliness of Some Dialectics in a Tibetan Philosophical Debate.” Noon-1 p.m. 332 Gilbert. Free.
Workshop: Academic Advising presents “Applying for a Master’s Degree in Social Work.” 3;30 p.m. 360 Oregon Hall. Free.
Lecture: Cheyney Ryan, philosophy, discusses “Does Terrorism Have an Epistemology?” 4 p.m. 208 Deady. Free.
Lecture: Architecture and Allied Arts presents ceramic artist Richard Notkin discussing “A Retrospective,” covering the evolution of his work during the past 33 years. 7 p.m. 115 Lawrence. Free.
Lecture: Center for the Study of Women in Society presents “Ecological Conversations,” with activist nun Veronica Brady of the University of Western Australia discussing “Recovering Sacred Ground.” 7 p.m. Browsing Room, Knight Library. Refreshments served. Free.
Creative writing reading: Nonfiction and fiction writer Patricia Hampl reads from her work. 8 p.m. Alumni Lounge, Gerlinger Hall. Free.
Student life events
Daily Emerald
November 4, 2001
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