Halloween has come and gone with hardly a passing notice from University students. It seems true there were a number of parties based loosely upon the occasion, the most laudable in our minds being the Sigma Alpha Mu celebration for the children of Pearl Buck School.
One of the most enterprising fraternities added a new twist to the trick or treat routine. Going around to different women’s living organizations, the group would demand a hearty buss from the girl who answered the door as fulfillment of the treat. It is reported they met with outstanding success.
Downtown the pace was a little swifter. Three gorgeously dyed chickens squawked discordantly with one frightened hen taking time out to lay an egg on the sidewalk as she fled down the street. It was a pathetic sight however, no matter what you think of chickens.
The movie houses were crammed. Two sports cars raced up Willamette Street, weaving through crowded traffic. The only thing they proved was how ignorant drivers of flashy sports cars can be.
The final episode occurred late that night. A couple, strolling about the fountain, in Eugene’s city center, pointed laughingly at the foam created from a box of laundry soap dumped into the pool. The young lady, fascinated by the bubbles, began kicking at them. One particularly vigorous thrust with her foot sent her shoe flying through the air. It landed neatly in the center where it bobbed far out of reach. The maiden’s distress was relieved however when her gallant escort, shoes and stockings in hand, waded out and retrieved it.
We hope the girl thanked her hero properly afterward. She was laughing too hard when we last saw her being hurried away by the fellow.
Yesteryear’s Editorial – ‘Halloween 1959’
Daily Emerald
November 1, 2001
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