Students waiting in line for hours to obtain homecoming game football tickets is a wonderful show of support for University athletics. Wouldn’t it be nice if the same overwhelming line was streaming out of the Erb Memorial Union as the Lane Memorial Blood Bank holds its campus blood drive on Oct. 16 and 17? Although the love for Duck athletes is great, a large showing of blood donors would be even better.
It has been proven already this year that students are willing to skip classes and wait for hours for tickets, so perhaps that diligence could be applied to fulfilling one’s civic duty and helping Americans with the gift of life. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the need for blood was at its peak, and although the demand has subsided some, it is still important to show support for relief efforts.
Most of us are able to give blood, but we simply do not take the time out of our day to make the contribution. However, it only takes minutes to complete — and the long-term effects are endless. The process consists of filling out a medical questionnaire, having a mini-physical and donating the blood. The blood bank requests that donors eat a balanced meal with a good source of protein two hours prior to giving blood.
The bank is in dire need of A-positive blood; however, all blood types are in demand. The blood drive will take place in the Fir Room of the EMU between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. today and Wednesday. For more information on the blood bank, visit their Web site at And go give blood!
This editorial represents the opinion of the Emerald editorial board. Responses can be sent to [email protected].