University Senate
chooses officers
Eric Bailey was appointed to fill the vacant business seat at the University Senate’s first meeting of the year Wednesday night.
ASUO Executives Nilda Brooklyn and Joy Nair selected Bailey for the position. No one ran for the seat in last spring’s election.
Senate members also confirmed Courtney Hight’s appointment as the ASUO election coordinator.
Members passed a bookkeeping request made by the ASUO Women’s Center relating to administrative expenses.
Nominations were accepted for several senate positions. Members nominated Sens. Katie Howard and Peter Watts for senate president.
Senators Andrew Elliott, Ben Lacy and Dominique Beaumonte were nominated for vice president. Ombuds nominations went to Senators Rebecca Cambreleng and Eric Bailey. Senator Kate Kranzus received the sole nomination for senate treasurer.
Members will vote on these nominations at next week’s senate meeting.
— Kara Cogswell
EWEB to begin
fiber optics services
The Eugene Water and Electric Board has targeted four areas of Eugene to be the first locations for delivering fiber optics services through its Metronet business plan. EWEB spokesman Lance Robertson said construction could begin by spring 2002.
Services would only be available to businesses during the first phase of Metronet and will not be available to individuals until 2007. Proposed services include ethernet delivery at megabit and gigabit speeds.
The first four areas to be offered service are the general downtown area, West 11th Avenue, the Country Club Road and Valley River Center area and Chad and Crescent Drives, according to Robertson.
“A lot depends on the interests of the business community,” he said. “We’re trying to get interest from businesses before we start building laterals.”
The laterals, which provide the service to the user, would extend outwards from a 70-mile fiber optic line that is already in place.
Eugene voters approved the plan in May 2000, granting EWEB the authority to provide advanced telecommunications to the city.
— Sue Ryan
Massage therapists
to sponsor benefit
Eugene massage therapist Chris Osterlitz will be offering massages to raise cash this Sunday. He will be joined by other massage therapists from the Eugene area. Osterlitz is asking for a $10 donation for a 15-minute massage. Proceeds from the benefit will be sent to the Mercy Corps Scholarship Fund.
The benefit will be held in Suite 200 at the Chiropractic Healing Center at 492 E. 13th Ave. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
–Sue Ryan