Teaching program
receives funding
A teacher preparation program at the University was selected to participate in a three-year grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education.
The University will share the $593,899 grant with five other public universities in Oregon and will use it to better teach reading to the state’s kindergarten through 12th-grade students.
The reading programs will be delivered in a variety of mediums, including Web-based, video-based, hybrid courses and face-to-face instruction.
— Eric Martin
Music school gearing up
for renovation
The University’s School of Music has secured half of the $15.2 million it needs to remodel and expand its facility.
Gov. John Kitzhaber’s signature on Senate Bill 5525 authorizes the Legislature to funnel $7.6 million in bonds to the University for the project. The music school will have to drum up the difference through private gifts by the end of the current biennium to ensure state funding. So far, the school has secured $700,000.
The music school serves more than 500 students, at least 200 more students than it was built to accommodate in 1917.
The remodel and expansion project will double the amount of practice rooms, add classrooms, rehearsal and performance spaces and more offices for faculty and graduate teaching fellows.
A state-of-the-art concert hall, called the Intermedia Performance Hall, will also be added to showcase performances from opera to dance.
— Eric Martin