Once again, the University has its man. It also has his money, and administrators say “we are deeply grateful, we are incredibly honored.”
Nike CEO, University alumnus, billionaire and the University’s largest donor, Phil Knight announced Tuesday in an opinion piece in The Oregonian that he would “reunite with an important institution in my life, the University of Oregon.” Knight and the University were estranged for more than a year over labor rights issues in Nike factories, a controversy that University President Dave Frohnmayer said was “deeply painful for all of us.”
At a press conference today, Frohnmayer and Athletic Department Director Bill Moos announced that the Autzen Stadium expansion will go forward as originally planned, thanks to Knight’s decision to reconcile his relationship with the University. Frohnmayer said the exact amount of Knight’s donation is being kept anonymous in accordance with Knight’s wishes, but that the gift came with no conditions.
Frohnmayer also emphasized the scope of Knight’s previous donations, including to the University library, law school and 16 endowed chairs.
Moos and Frohnmayer both said this move by Knight will make future fundraising easier by showing potential donors that someone of Knight’s philanthropic stature can trust the institution.
“To see the re-establishment of this relationship this morning is a matter that I find simply breathtaking in generosity and visionary in scope,” Frohnmayer said.
“It is a very happy day for us.”
Read tomorrow’s Oregon Daily Emerald for full coverage.